2v8 killer queue time...? (2024)


    ChuckLit Member Posts: 60

    July 25 in General Discussions

    Is it just me or the killer queue time in 2v8 takes forever? It's been like 20 minutes and I'm still waiting for a match.


    • Coz Member Posts: 66

      July 25


      yeah, I’d mentioned the same thing on another post. Some one suggested using The Nurse as she may be a less popular pick. Tried that too but still waiting an eternity!
      Can get into a match as a survivor pretty much instantly!!!!


    • drakonukaris Member Posts: 132

      July 25


      Survivor queue blood point bonus is 400%… Waiting 30 minutes as nurse and can't find a match, I have no idea how other killers get in. This is like my 4th attempt.


    • drsoontm Member Posts: 4,401

      July 25 edited July 25


      10 minutes queues as Nurse p100, Europe.

    • MrDardon Member Posts: 3,892

      July 25


      There is no point in queing up as Killer as it takes way to long, waited so long to play Killer duo just for me to not be able to.

      And no, I know many people think the same way as me and that's why it's taking so long.


    • Kuris Member Posts: 228

      July 25


      If it's anything like my experience, Survivors are just not playing the game mode. I seem to notice that despite the number of survivors doubling, the number of survivors actually completing generators did not change! :P. Back to normal mode for me unless I can pick up an SWF squad.


    • Peanits Dev, Community Manager Dev∙Community Manager › Posts: 7,475

      July 25


      It is not just you. A lot of people are excited to play Killer with a friend for the first time so there is a disproportionately high number of Killers are not enough Survivors to fill each of their lobbies. We've greatly increased the incentive for player Survivor in the meantime to help balance out the queue a little bit, but it's safe to say that Killer queue times will remain longer in 2v8 for at least a little while.


    • drakonukaris Member Posts: 132

      July 25



      That makes sense, thanks for the clarification.


    • Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,406

      July 25


      Not having perks makes playing survivor in this mode boring. No DS just means you'll get insta tunneled. Terrible matchmaking so gens won't even get done if you have a good chase while being tunneled. I'll stick to killer for this mode.


    • drsoontm Member Posts: 4,401

      July 25



      How can you get tunneled in a game where you spawn in a pod far from the killer?

      How can you get tunneled in a game where the killer has so many people to handle he doesn't even remember he hit you?

      Seriously, do you know what "tunneled" means? (hint: it's about the tunnel vision of a killer only chasing a single survivor)


    • LordGlint Member Posts: 8,105

      July 25


      The tome challenges doesn't exactly help for this. Half the challenges are for killer with 1/5 the people getting to pick killer. Feel like setting them up so it's possible to complete as either role would be a step in the right direction.

      The idea of getting tunneled is kinda meh. With there being 2 killers and 8 survivors, it's hard for EITHER killer to keep track of hook states. I'm not memorizing the left side of the screen to see who my teammate is hooking, and I highly doubt anyone else is either.


    • TotallyBepsi Member Posts: 1

      July 25


      Skill issue


    • Triplehoo Member Posts: 603

      July 25


      Truth be told, KWF (Kill With your Friend) is lot more fun


    • https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/comment/3767426#Comment_3767426

      How can you be tunneled by a mechanic that was copy/pasted from one of the best tunneling killers? In a mode where you'll get "scout mode" teammates urbaning away after uncaging you? In a mode with zero anti-tunnel perks? Yea this will go about as well as lights out mode once killers figure that out.

      400% of 5k is still less than an average killer score so I'll stick with that role thanks.


    • drsoontm Member Posts: 4,401

      July 25



      You get downed fast. That's not being tunneled. You are not using that word correctly.


    • Zakon05 Member Posts: 181

      July 25



      I don't know if you could relay this feedback to the devs, but would it be possible to enable pipping in the 2v8 mode? I would be glad to fill out the survivor queue if it allowed me to work towards my monthly grade rewards.

      Castlevania is my dream chapter and I want to bank blood points for it! But I don't have any incentive besides blood points I can spend now to play survivor now that I've finished all of the survivor tome challenges.


    • Kuris Member Posts: 228

      July 25



      Apart from the fact it wasn't really copy-pasted was it? Because the Killer cannot see where you were caged, nor can they see when you are taken out of the cage, nor can they stand around your cage because you simply move to another part of the map.


    • Hunkulese Member Posts: 404

      July 25



      Have you even played 2v8 yet? I've been playing all afternoon, and it's heavily survivor-sided. Almost every game has been 6+ out. Do you have an offensive name that's getting killers to go out of their way to tunnel you? It's extremely detrimental to the killers to try and tunnel someone in the mode.


    • Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,406

      July 25



      Thanks I'm so glad you were watching my match to see what happened. Enjoy coping with those 20 min queues wondering why survivors won't want to play this mode.


    • Jay_K Member Posts: 427

      July 25


      I played survivor for the tome challenge and I will not be doing that anymore. its extreamly boring to play as there is literally nothing to do apart from gens. Because this is a cut down version of DBD the only thing survivors have to do is gens so what's the point of playing.
      As a result no one wants to play survivor as even if u lose as killer you can still actually have fun with the game as there is still a fun objective to do.
      I've played 3 matches as killer so far and racked up a total of 45 minutes + queue time


    • Zakon05 Member Posts: 181

      July 25



      This is how Pyramid Head's cages work, though.

      The only difference is that he can hear when you get rescued from a cage. I don't know if killers get the notification in 2v8 mode, I haven't played a killer match yet in it.

      But otherwise yeah, Pyramid Head can't see the aura of his cages, and if he manages to find a cage and tries to camp it, it relocates the caged survivor to a different part of the map.


    • mecca Member Posts: 245

      July 25


      Two players will have fun while eight do not. That'll have a big impact on queues because you need four times as many players.


    • Kuris Member Posts: 228

      July 25



      They don't get a notification, this was showcased in the Dev stream/reveal. I apparently have not played against enough Pyramid Heads as I was unaware that you can be moved if the Killer comes near you.

    • TWS001 Member Posts: 131

      July 25


      All I know is normal lobbies have 400% bonus switching between either side and just played a killer game in normal lobbies as Singularity and couldn't even use my power. Button input wouldn't work but somehow got 3 kills against a flashlight swf!

    • Eelanos Member Posts: 358

      July 25


      I feel this should have been fairly predictable. The only thing keeping the killers' queue in check is the survivors' ability to play with friends. You allow people to play a character with super powers with your friends and suddenly no one wants to play the hopeless survivor sitting on a gen for several minutes waiting for their inevitable demise, whose's only power is making progress bars move slightly faster.

      This just goes to show that playing survivor isn't really that fun.


    • ImWinston Member Posts: 207

      July 25 edited July 25


      • I'm not joking, on my server(europe) the surv incentives reached 400%. no one wants to play surv🤣
    • https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/comment/3767530#Comment_3767530

      When it comes to solo queue, I actually find the 2v8 mode to be much more fun than 1v4 for survivor. Which is odd because I thought it would be really unfun for survivor.

      Killers can't camp you, if they tunnel you it's just because you were unlucky or careless, it's hard for them to do obnoxious playstyles which are prevalent in the 1v4 mode like hit & run. There's no gen regression or blocking constantly interfering with your gen progress. No busted add-ons. It's hard for the killers to slug all the survivors to death due to there being so many. Don't need to worry about 3gens due to there being so many generators.

      You also don't have to groan and roll your eyes when a survivor gets on a generator with you because it's costing the team efficiency (unless there's 1 gen left, of course). There's so many survivors spread out that working on different gens is impossible anyway.

      The 2v8 mode solved every pain point that the game has which usually makes solo queue survivor unfun for me. I would gladly play more 2v8 survivor if I could pip from it.


    • humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,831

      July 25


      honestly the idea of 2v8 sounds way more fun on the killer side will have to see for myself


    • Eelanos Member Posts: 358

      July 25



      I was talking more about powers like becoming invisible, placing traps, teleporting around vs watch progress bar go up slightly faster or run fast for 3 seconds.

      I think zooming around the map permanently and whacking a survivor that got caught on your buddy's trap is way more fun than the ability to heal a caged survivor a little bit faster and then essentially playing perkless.

    • Zakon05 Member Posts: 181

      July 25 edited July 25



      Maybe it's because I already play mostly perkless. I only ever run information and anti-tunnel perks. So survivor feels about the same to me.

      Also another thing I didn't think of: having a bad team mate or losing someone early in 2v8 is way less punishing. In 1v4, losing a survivor at 3-5 gens basically makes the match unwinnable unless your team plays extremely well and the killer throws hard. Even losing an ally at 2 gens in 1v4 can be very difficult to recover from.

      Every killer has basekit Nowhere to Hide, but there's no Distortion rats on the survivor side, either. So you're not stuck in those infuriating situations in solo queue where your ally with no hook states is hiding in a corner avoiding chase with Distortion.

    • jajay119 Member Posts: 931

      July 25



      I’m loving the mode - I hope it gets made a full time alternative mode.

      Like the mode, hating going against a Huntress every bloody match.

    • HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 939

      July 25 edited July 25


      Making it where you can play the same killers would probably help a lot. But might throw balance out the window. Huntress has the highest pick rate on average so it takes me 15-20 minutes on average as well to find a match.

    • humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,831

      July 25



      alright survivor feels really bad to play in this mode stick to buddy killer guys


    • Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,441

      July 25 edited July 25



      Here too 400%. Killer wait over 15 minutes - and you need it for the challenges.

      I have to say i got some very unfair situations.

      I am not sure if i like it that much.

      And it is heavily killer sided if the killers are decent and the survs are not.


    • Crowman Member Posts: 9,182

      July 25


      A lot of killers are likely duoing since it's the first time you can do that.

      Plus you can't duplicate killers and there's only 5 to pick from. So if you want to play a killer that many others are queueing for, you are going to be waiting longer.

    • Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,768

      July 25


      This isn't really surprising is it? Of course more players are going to want to play as killer compared to survivor in this game mode. You could give survivors a guaranteed 20k bloodpoints plus 400% bloodpoint bonus for bloodpoints earned during the match and you will still have a discrepancy.


    • Slowpeach Member Posts: 699

      July 26 edited July 26


      It's not just that two killer synergy is a bright new shiny toy, it just feels powerless on survivor when two killers work together to down you and because they get aura reading it's super easy. Not saying its killer sided or us vs. them garbage like that, in pure game play balance terms there's a cost to using this strategy, this isn't a balance concern (talking about balance in something like this is silly of course). This is a 'is it fun' concern and I like to have a bit of agency and decision making in my games. Getting two tapped when there's nothing I can realistically do is just awful.

      Even more then that survivors are perfectly used to working with multiple people. There is very little new in this mode for them aside roles which are basically on the most part modified perks. So yeah. I'd have been extremely surprised if queues weren't massively tilted to killers even if survivors didn't need four times the players.


    • Slowpeach Member Posts: 699

      July 26



      Really should have had some survivor bots for people who just want to have a go now. There's really not much new for survivors in this mode, is it honestly surprising the queues are that titled? Make such modes give bloodpoints too. Lesser of course but yeah, more single player/vs. AI modes please.


    • TieBreaker Member Posts: 618

      July 26


      There's only two interesting things to do when playing survivor, looping and trying out different builds. Looping doesn't work if the killers stick together, so there's zero skill expression for survivors, and there's no perks, so no creativity there either. Doing gens until the killers find and down you in ten to fifteen seconds isn't engaging gameplay.

      I know people want this mode to stay, but it's really only good for a quick laugh. Maybe it will return with more tweaks to give the survivor experience more longevity. I think the queues are only going to get worse for killer players.


    • Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,155

      July 26


      It's giving me sensory overload tbh. I finished the Tome and got a horrible migraine. I'm sticking to normal mode. I wonder if others are experiencing the same? It could be putting people off


    • scoser Member Posts: 466

      July 26



      You'll probably need to crank that incentive up to "a million bloodpoints a match" to even out the queue times.


    • Ayodam Member Posts: 2,482

      July 26




      A lot of survivor players seem to be returning to the normal queue now. =/ That won’t make it any easier for killers to play 2v8.


    • ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,227

      July 26


      It's because the new game mode is incredibly survivor sided, which is why nobody is playing survivor.


    • Rawrbot5k Member Posts: 53

      July 26



      Yeeah almost like this is another game mode tilted killer side XD


    • Rawrbot5k Member Posts: 53

      July 26


      Possible way to amend the queue times. Killer players choose at the same time. RNG Priority pick first, so person A. gets to pick first, then person B. gets whats left. Then the next game person B. may or may not get priority picking up to the RNG gods. At least it will make game queues go faster for popular picks. I personally dont care really which killer i get to play as long as i get to try it out a few times.

    • MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,841

      July 26


      I gave up trying tbh… survivor BP bonus is 400% so I guess I will just do that!

    • ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 3,668

      July 26



      I don't think that's a logical conclusion to make.

      If anything, it'd be the other way around.


    • Butterrum333 Member Posts: 8

      July 26


      let us at least play with 2 killers in a bot lobby

    • Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,406

      July 26





    • Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 295

      July 26



      This right here, I've done some simple test. For me huntress has the highest, followed by nurse, then billy, wraith, and trapper

    • tjt85 Member Posts: 806

      July 26



      That's not a bad idea. I wonder if making the choice of Killer totally random might speed things up a little, too. I wouldn't play as Nurse or Wraith by choice, but I'd be fine with it if it meant for much quicker Killer queues.

      But this could be a little over whelming if you're just trying out Killer for the first time ever because of the new mode. Imagine playing your first ever Killer game as Nurse. Oof…



    2v8 killer queue time...? (2024)
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